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Surviving Slow Months As a Filmmaker

In our creative industry, slow months with no incoming work happen with a certain frequency, regardless of whether you are a beginner or a seasoned professional. This is especially true during winter when advertising budgets from the previous year have been spent, and new budgets and campaigns are still being approved.

But here's the catch – these slow months are possibly more crucial for your career success than those hectic periods filled with work. How you choose to handle your spare time during these periods will determine the number and quality of projects you get during busy periods.

As a filmmaker specializing in directing commercials for brands, I have found that certain things are critical for my career during these slower times. Here are some practices that can help you make the most out of these periods:

Financial Planning

To fully embrace this period as a time for reflection, learning, and networking, it's important to break free from the stress of worrying about your finances. This preparation begins long before the slow months hit. As a freelancer, it's essential to recognize that your workload and income can be inconsistent. Even when you're making a consistent income, there will be times when new projects aren't coming in. Building a financial safety net by saving money is crucial. Ideally, aim to save up 3 to 6 months' worth of expenses in cash. This cushion will give you peace of mind and allow you to cover your expenses during these times without income.

Personal Branding

Personal branding can boost your career exponentially. Slow months are the ideal opportunity to start investing time and effort into building your personal brand. Share your work, experience, and ideas with your audience through blogging and social media. The biggest jumps in income and significant collaboration offers often come as a result of personal branding efforts. Don't put off personal branding any longer – start giving it your all, and you'll eventually see the fruits of your labor.

Educate Yourself and Learn New Skills

Take advantage of the slower period to learn and develop new skills. Learning new things brings a fresh perspective and a new vibe to your work. Whether it's honing your editing, lighting, writing, or camera skills, or diving into something completely new like 3D, AI, or VFX, expanding your skill set opens up a whole new world of creativity. You can also focus on boosting your soft skills, charisma, public speaking, voice training, and acting.

Unfinished or Unstarted Creative Projects

Now is the time to bring your personal stories and film ideas to life. Take those ideas out of your notes and turn them into reality. Start by writing treatments for your projects – this will make them feel more tangible and increase the chances of them being produced. If you have unfinished creative projects, such as footage waiting to be edited, give them the attention they deserve. Use this slow period to work on these projects and bring them closer to completion.

Take a Rest

Last but not least, during these slow periods, it's crucial to take the time to rest. Rest is fundamental for productivity and creativity. However, it's important to distinguish between true rest and quick dopamine hit activities. Engage in activities that truly replenish and rejuvenate you. Whether it's going on a hike, visiting loved ones, traveling, or pursuing your hobbies, do something that changes the pace and opens up new perspectives. Replenishing your energy during these slow months will be beneficial when you get back to the busier periods.

Remember, slow months are not a time to panic or feel discouraged. Embrace them as an opportunity for personal growth and career development. By implementing these practices, you can make the most out of these slower periods and set yourself up for success when the busy season returns.

That's all for today. I hope you found these tips useful. Remember, adapt them to your own situation and spend your time in a way that suits you best. See you in the next article!